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Common Themes & Part 2.

3 Themes.

1. Most of my classmates listed their favorite TV shows and one common genres that I found was drama. Along those same lines, most people who listed drama as a favorite genre also listed their romcoms as a favorite movie genre.

2. Most people want to take this class because they want to understand the fusion of computers and media. From wanting to work on an open ended project to just learning more about media consumption, it seems like most of my classmates are taking Computers & New Media for similar reasons.

3. A large portion of my classmates in addition to myself identified that a challenge in content generation and consumption is related to the formatting or accessibility of the content. The compatibility with different devices/software is also discussed as the user friendliness may not always carry over from say a laptop to a mobile device. Additionally the style of the content including colors, headings, formatting, etc is something people mentioned that makes it difficult to consume content.

Part 2.

How would you revise your media categorization based on what you read?  What would you add to your hierarchy of media or describe as issues that you did not identify in your first assignment?


I think I split up my categories a bit different than some of my other classmates. I would probably break down my categories even further, for example I would probably make 'Music' its own category rather than putting it under audio content because it makes it less generic. I would regroup things a bit more intuitively. Some of the things that I would add to my hierarchy based on what I saw on my classmates' websites is more professional and academic media resources I use for my day to day such as Notion, Google Calendar, Outlook, Workday, etc.



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